Unfortunately some of the Album art, Music and Logs are no longer available. These Weblogs were taken from the old site @ sites.google.com/site/musicofmarloncairenius/ and facebook.com.
This page was updated on July 1th 2019.
December 30th 2018
(Edit:the two pictures are unavailable at the moment until I can get my cell phone to work properly.)
I have been working on this VPN network on my computer for windows Xp professional. I have 2 pictures to show. The 2 pictures show that I am able to connect as a client on my own computer using the same instructions below. I have not tried to connect with Windows Xp professional on a seperate computer and I don’t think I am going to go out of my way to do it. The help guide in Windows Xp Professional is simple. It says “make a VPN connection to another computer at my workplace or by tunneling through the internet” This is by tunneling through the internet.
I have had no luck using VPN client software to connect to my incoming VPN connection, I also had no luck connecting to my incoming VPN connection at my brothers place and he has windows 10. I only think these settings will work with windows Xp Professional. I also had no luck on my Samsung Galaxy cell phone connecting as a VPN client. I’ll try to continue to work on this, and my computer is on most of time, so if you want to try and connect to my computers VPN network to access my recordings folder, give it a go!
Marlon Cairenius
December 29th 2018
I updated a Vpn link below. I have a IP address I can share: that may or may not work with the instructions its to My incoming connections allow 5 clients to connect at once.
Marlon Cairenius
December 26th 2018
I am working on the recording folder this one will be more organized.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KglmGiL06SQzsD_rQWy6DWC3GXArhPwy?usp=sharing and to just let know the two songs on that JnM project Record is Futurisc and La la land.
Marlon Cairenius
December 25th 2018
I always emphasized the second last letter “o” to sound like an “i” so my name would be easier to say. Is of this cd-r cover art I drew. No music for it just cover art.
Marlon Cairenius
December 23rd 2018
The album “Untitled album 2008 re-release” is in my google drive account. It can be downloaded and listened to here at this link. I also made new cd labels with a fountain pen and indian ink for this album. Most albums I make with cdr’s from now on I will be using a fountain pen to write the title and who the album is by on the white label cdr. I find my cd player likes to skip and and fuzzy kind of sounds appear in the music when using a label that is not perfectly put on the disc (cdr). I went through a lot a cdr-s and shrink wrapped a whole lot of them with about 10 that where damaged from labels not on properly and would skip on my cd player and only up to 4 or 5 tracks of audio would play. I found that writting it with a fountian pen and indian ink on the cdr helps.
Merry Christmas!
Marlon Cairenius
Monday December 17 2018
Today a 57 min and 23 second cdr album is made
called “doing nothing all day” The cover and the
disc is black.
Marlon Cairenius
Thursday December 13th 2018
I uploaded the last album I made which is slither slur. Start from there. There are 3 songs to listen to on that album it is in my google drive account link, Here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15Xc_65vi1ruPS92z6xQzOM8LgDyz3Y1F?usp=sharing
Marlon Cairenius
Wednesday Dec 12 2018
Today I write this text with about the recording
folder not being
accessable anymore. I hope those that visit this
site downloaded and want to keep my music the mp3’s.
I still probably will release albums. keep in
mind they ARE on display mostly and I maybe only
sell an album by text in an email. Thank’s for
Marlon Cairenius
Monday Nov 26th 2016
I replaced the slither slur disc with this new
cover. It is still called slither slur instead now
it has three songs instead of one. It now has Snake
charmer, snake man and slither slur. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ApD5LYhreOlTuzf-HSD6crxggdPbOBC_?usp=sharing

Marlon Cairenius
Sunday November 25th 2018
There at the bottom. Where the images of the CDR-rs
are. You can find
slither slur 2018 by Marlon Cairenius. It’s also in
the 2018 recording folder in my google drive account
link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eyJ1LqV8ug3sVGYhwLGgs8-acGlbGxw2/view?usp=sharing
Sunday Nov 18th 2018
Acoustic guitar solo seesion 2018
Marlon Cairenius
Friday Nov 16th 2018 Edit: November 20th 2018
My latest CDR called Computer sex addiction
2018. is released today.
this audio is 7 min and 33 seconds long. And can
be found in the 2018 folder.
Marlon Cairenius
Monday November 12 2018
Here I have 5 JnM Project Futuristic Records Pressed by Vinylizer. I waited a long time to get these records. Vinylizer did a good job on the records. The music that is on the record is from the JnM Project album Futuristic: Futuristic and La la land.
Marlon Cairenius
The destiny of the cookie spy
Marlon Cairenius
Sunday Nov 4 2018
Here I have a cdr called Marlon Cairenius
acoustic guitar 2018 one song on it around 8 min
long of acoustic guitar playing.
Marlon Cairenius
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Update: “The I am a Canadian Finn” instrumental
song I uploaded has been re-recorded to .mp3
file from the 6 midi tracks. It has been
re-uploaded so it can be heard in normal
playback speed when the song file is clicked at
my google drive page. here is the new link to
the instrumental song : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rnSLexawPUhzvhDXwVFfNCG232tyC8sG/view?usp=sharing
Marlon Cairenius
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Update: The I am a Canadian Finn instrumental song
I uploaded is played in high speed for some
reason. Unfortunately The only copy I have is in
.wav format and that is for CDR and mp3’s are for
Google drive, Everytime I try to covert the file
to mp3 it plays it back in high speed.
Marlon Cairenius
Monday Oct 22, 2018
For Canadian Finns! Around 6 midi tracks of
soundfont instruments. Called “I am a Canadian
Finn” A 14 min instrumental song.
The 14 min instrumental song can be heard at this link
Marlon Cairenius
Monday Oct 15 2018 – Edit Oct 18th 2018
Today I release “son of a jailed father dead mothers son widowed childless man” This is my high quality one I have made two of these CDRs! The 15 min song can be heard in the 2018 folder.
Marlon Cairenius
Monday October 15 2018
I uploaded a Reptillian brain, stinging lulaby
Movie I made a couple days ago. Since then I
uploaded a new one today a high quality one.
At the bottom of the page.
Marlon Cairenius
Monday October 8 2018
Good morning! This morning I present to you a disc of 2 in quanity This one is called “He said an eskimo doesn’t respect you unless you have sex with his wife” by Marlon Cairenius. 16:04 instrumental song if interested in buying this cdr let me know. The song can by heard in the 2018 folder.
Marlon Cairenius
Sunday Oct 7th, 2018
I worked on 2 discs. The Reptillian Brain 2013. Now it is in Pro quality cd case with Reptillian brain lettering on the side of the cdr case. And Drawn art Photographed from my high quality picture taking cell phone then printed on paper and glued on to thick paper for the cover. Theoutcome is what you see in this picture. I can sell this I only have two if interested email is marlon.cairenius78@gmail.com Also the Reptillian brain mp3’s got moved to the correct folder there not in the 2014 folder anymore there in the 2013 folder in the recording folder now.
Marlon Cairenius
Sunday October 7, 2018
There was a mistake in the JnM project folder.
Particularly the 2017
folder. The JnM Project 2018 CDR I have displayed
digitly, I thought I did not have the songs for
it, I thought I had lost them. The songs where
recorded sometime in Feburary 2018 by My Brother
Johan Cairenius and I. I looked in the 2017 folder
and the songs I found on the CDR I had in a
plastic bag 4 tracks that sounded good. So I
changed the 2017 folder to the correct name which
is the “JnM Project 2018” The Picture of the disc
is in the pictures below. So good got that sorted
out. Sorry to those waiting to hear that disc and
I finding out it is just the same songs as the
2017 folder, There excellent songs. I had not
heard them in a long while 3 tracks a are great
quality while the 4rd track is poor quality.
Marlon Cairenius
Thursday Oct 4th 2018 – Edit Oct 5th 2018
There’s a kind of metal song done with electric
guitar no real drums but with real bass and my
The second link below goes to the song this song
was inspired from
Caos horror error by Lux Nigrum and Michel Leroy.
Marlon Cairenius
Monday October 1, 2018
There is a Legendary Pink Dots’ cover song snippet
I made in mp3 in the 2018 folder. I worked on
Marlon Cairenius
Saturday September 29th 2018
The Untitled album 2008 re-release has changed. I printed new labels for the cdr and looks much better. I have some
pictures. Here is a link to the folder where the songs are located.https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18DjoGAs0eijEYu7Puu2R3bMuWQNY2GSl?usp=sharing Again if your intrested in buying this CDR my email is marlon.cairenius78@gmail.com
Marlon Cairenius
Friday September 21, 2018. Saturday september 22:Edit
Here is a Version 2 release of Untitled album 2008 re-release.
I don’t know about you but I thought this album was pretty good. so I made 4 copies of a version 2 with new drawn
art scanned from my cell phone camera than digitally cropped and redesigned and printed out in black ink on thick base construction paper. Printing is on both sides. side panel has “Untitled album 2008 re-release” printed on it on brown base construction paper. The cdr is printed in pencil crayon( Edit: printed in black permanent marker).
Untitled album 2008 re-release V2. Hand made each one!. If your interested in buying one let me know. The link to the songs is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18DjoGAs0eijEYu7Puu2R3bMuWQNY2GSl?usp=sharing
Marlon Cairenius
Saterday Sept 15th 2018
7:25pm, I took a new picture of my cdr’s on the floor the first picture with the cdr’s layed out on the floor looked like a map. I did not want it to look like a map, so I straightened it out and made it look more formal. Ya a lot of new releases of CDR images and music. a couple or maybe several had been printed out in black ink I’d like to buy a color ink for my printer, so I can get the one I printed in black ink printed in color and and take photo’s of them again and post them again sometime. I think there are two new songs. The dance of depressed souls, and The life life wouldn’t let us know and have, and wouldn’t want.
Marlon Cairenius
Thursday september 13th 2018
The more it changes by The legendary pink dots,
cover by Marlon Cairenius 2008, Cover version 2,
Innovations and arrows 2 Formation
by Marlon Cairenius 2008, Lost cause by JnM, Johan
Cairenius and Marlon Cairenius 2006, Human error
by Marlon Cairenius 2007, Humorous oblivious by
Marlon Cairenius 2007, Dry man By Marlon Cairenius
Was taken from cdr I found in a bin in my bedroom
of old music I found of a website backback up. boy
was I happy when I found that! I printed out new
covers of the art that was on that cdr and put
some of those songs in recording folder. the
digital images below are the songs that are
available to listen of these albums, or single
songs, one songers mentioned. Inflictorisious is a
good one! I listened to that one a lot the past
several days since I posted it. If you want to
listen to those songs check the year of the album
and look for it in the recording folder in my
google drive account below.
Marlon Cairenius
Monday August 27th 2018
I got some more pictures to show of that Miscellaneous recordings Untitled album 2018
(Spunjet powered) CDR!
I did some more coloring on the back of the covers.
Marlon Cairenius
Friday Augest 24th 2018.
Intruducing the Miscellaneous Recordings Spunjet Powered Untitled Album 2018. There is a Miscellaneous Recording folder that I used spunjet.com samples. There acumilated a quite a few songs. A dozen or more. R.h.oZ did not Officially sing on this album but his samples are original and his voice can be heard on the disc. I decided to finally put this on disc for it seemed it was a different chapter at a different time. If I was to work on more miscellaneous stuff I don’t know what it would would sound like the same maybe. But spunjet.com would have to be there. And it is http://www.spunjet.com The folder where the Miscellaneous Recordings songs on this disc can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BFOsSiDdi7S1-Rp7ptkbjJqYSB5BzT9s
Marlon Cairenius
Wednesday August 22 2018
I have updated the recording folder. Mostly the
2018 folder
Marlon Cairenius
Saturday august 18 2018
I uploaded my recording folder to my google drive
account still needs
a little bit of organizing the 2018 folder has
been updated but still
need to be updated a little bit more. I’ll work on
Marlon Cairenius
Saturday August 18th 2018
Today I release “Nothing Changes” The track list is:
Doing nothing all day
Days like this
Electric Guitar Solo session
feel good
Marlon Cairenius
Augest 15 2018
My new website typically the same one. marlonthemusician1000x has moved to this website
the one your looking at right now https://sites.google.com/site/marlonthemusician1000x/
The reason I did this was at first I was tired of the same routine. I was not going to put it up again. I changed my mind. So it is on Google sites now the change is good for me I hope it is good for the same people who visited my website before this one and new visitors. đ
Marlon Cairenius
Monday July 30th, 2018
There was a lyrical error in that “No Association” song I posted. The wording is “he smokes” not “he
smoked” The idea for the song came from reading the my Suomi Finnish holy bible one day. If you listen to the song I mention something about that in the song. I updated the “No Association” song to Version 3.
Monday July 30th, 2018
I have uploaded a song from a single album I posted earlier yesterday. Called “No Association”
This one was uploaded once before I posted this text. There where some changes in recording. After I uploaded
the first one. I’ll keep both recordings there in the recordings folder.
Marlon Cairenius
Sunday July 29th, 2018
The Reptillian Brain cardboard case has been improved!
Looks nice eh! lol. These ones are for sale for 12 dollars 10 dollars shipping CAD each.
email me at marlon.cairenius78@gmail.com for more information.
Marlon Cairenius
Saturday July 28th, 2018
I was managed to change The last wave .wma file to .mp3. So it should now play in the browser when the file is clicked. The_last_wave_case_art_with_CDR
Friday July 27th, 2018 (Edited)
I update this text area with this update. Digital image CDR cover art, of The last wave case art of the song “the last wave” from the Perspective album a link to the song has been added. I don’t think it will play in the browser it is .wma Windows media audio. It’s at the bottom of this page.
Marlon Cairenius
Friday July 20th, 2018
4:39 am friday. I finished up recording a 6 min song about an hour ago. I drew this picture depicted from my mom’s passport photo I saw on facebook. She is not alive anymore. She died a long time ago. I call it “Our mom” Suomi Finnish for mom is “Aiti”.
There is also some Reptillian Brain cardboard CDR cases I made this morning. That turned out pretty good!
Marlon Cairenius
Sunday July 15th, 2018
2:40 am in the morning and I finished this song called Electric humenoid has electric guitar, bass synth, drum sounds, and accu bass. This one came out pretty good!
Marlon_Cairenius-Electric_humenoid.mp3 – Marlon_Cairenius-Electric_humenoid.mp3
Marlon Cairenius
Saturday July 14th, 2018
That goes to the recording folder on a new song I made at 3 in the morning this Saturday.
Marlon Cairenius
Friday July 13, 2018
I had a news log on blogger from Google. I used it for many years. Updates about my website music stuff. I decided to delete it because I want to maintain a little less text. This website and this area of text is good for news about this site
July 7, 2018
âWhat is fun?â by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
July 6, 2018
marlonthemusician1000x.com was just uploaded to the World Wide Web!
also, themarlonblog.blogspot.com is a blog abould a guy named Marlon Cairenius who shares stuff about his own music.
July 4, 2018
âThe Tapperâ by Marlon Cairenius.
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
July 2, 2018
A Cover of âCasting Runesâ by the Legendary Pink Dots.
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
June 27, 2018
New Album of My old stuff
June 8, 2018
Sometime this year I was talking to someone about coffee
on facebook. I was putting the amount that said on the gourmet
coffee can that was givin to me. I find that the amount that it said
on the coffee can is too much. it’s okay for a strong coffee once in
while. But after drinking it for so long I find my self really tired
So I just put in 2 1/8 cup – 30 ml in the coffee filter at 5 cups. thats
how I like it. If you ask me what gourmet coffee is. Is like a capaccino.
one of those coffee machines that puts the coffee under pressure and
shoots out a small stream of condensed coffee in a small cup.
April 22, 2018
I got this book called living and planning your life. Really, that is what the book is titled. I read the contents of it. That book was written in 1950’s I think and I have it. Skimmed through some pages found a photograph of myself that my dad may have put there. Probably for me to read a particular paragraph. It read that for the most part for someone who spends a lot of money verses for someone who spends a little. the person who spends a little has less work and is more efficient than someone who spends a lot to do more work. And lives life more fully. I am happy I read that. There’s a choice! skimming through the book, it’s not that hard to understand. Given by a set of principles.
April 12, 2018
That April 2018 Acoustic CDR
April 6, 2018
I’ll type this time more politly what the lady said to me when I called the bank last summer. I called to have my visa card number removed from my bank acount profile. And, she ended up explaining to me that my penis was going to fall off. I knew what she was trying to explain, but she did not use the correct words. I was tired felt weird I was looking at the screen. usually at banks they are really straight forward very explainatory, last summer when I called my bank if was very different. She said my visa card number will fall off soon, it has’nt. Sooo.
April 6, 2018
You’ll like this song I like it too.
March 9, 2018
I made a new song a few gays ago which I named ‘Little insignificant things’.
March 2, 2018
Today! I give you Time and art. A 2006 album. I won’t lie I did think I had this album in the recording folder. It was not till it was floating on-top of everything in the freezer bag that I decided to listen to it again and thought did I actually put this one in the recording folder. I searched and as far as I could see I did not. So. Here it is Time and art, 2006. http://marlonthemusician1000x.com/recordingâŚ/âŚ/Time_and_art/
Marlon Cairenius
February 1, 2018
‘Chandelier’ is an album by Marlon Cairenius and it contains 3 tracks.
January 27, 2018
Today I released an album called ‘Chandelier’.
January 22, 2018
Track 30
January 20, 2018
where’s the edit button?? Ya.. there is an edit button there is an erase and re-re-record button too. The problem with ling and cheating is it remains in the past. and you always have to go back to try and fix it and then when it happens again it is not the same anymore. Time, it exists but it is still a mystery.
January 20, 2018
‘They didn’t do Nothin at all’ is a piece with some guitar and singing.
January 6, 2018
I worked on something new today. I call it ‘This Cryrstal Eye’.
January 2, 2018
Changed a few things for this cdr. 2 sets of cdrs on a sheet of paper that I drew with a stencil. This album turned out okay, I like the duct tape on it, I got that idea from looking at a michel leroy tape album and it gave me an idea for a hinge. 28 bucks 65 cents for an album. That took a year to make and looks like this.
December 31, 2017
âThe Unluckyâ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
December 25, 2017
I remember a year and a half ago or so I sometime or it may have been longer than that. I changed my name on my Facebook profile and changed my name and added my middle name to it. Which is Juhani. I put (you)hani the (you) in brackets cause that is how it is pronounced in Soumi Finnish. The middle name I have can even be pronounced (joo)hani. That is just the way it can be said. I did not mean to mess with anyones brain.
December 24, 2017
Have a Merry Christmas Eve!
December 16, 2017
I was reading the finish holy bible the other day. I started reading a random page as I always do. It started like this (in the simplest way I can put it): Jesus and some people where talking having a discussion for a while outside. And there was an onlooker about walking about and he nudged Jesus and said KATSO! that means watch in Finish. And there was two people fornicating on the grounds and Jesus cried. And then it said Jesus did not care no more and he was the son of god. I read more. It said, there was a community of people trying to reach Jesus, the onlooker was the only one with the eye on him trying to point him out but failed to. And that is when Jesus disappeared.
December 15, 2017
November 20, 2017
I recorded my Cover version’s 2 and 3 of ‘Maniac’ by ‘the Legendary Pink dots’.
You can find them at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
November 17, 2017
I recorded a Cover version of ‘Maniac’ by ‘the Legendary Pink dots’.
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
November 11, 2017
I bought this western stencil. And I found out how to flavor my tobacco with vanilla extract. It is so easy. I went to the grocery store and bought vanilla extract bought this spray bottle from the dollar store mix the vanilla extract with water in the spray bottle spray it on the tobacco and I have vanilla flavor pipe tobacco.
November 10, 2017
Some old drawings from my sketch book
November 5, 2017
âMy Wouldnât you think song’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
Unrelated to my music, I was just thinking about my medication. once this guy came into my apartment and said he worked as a security guard for a medicine factory. and he said “I KNOW WHAT THEY DO THERE!!” in a really unsatisfactory way. I thought about this for a long time. Until I came to an answer today. The medication is not made in a factory their made in a laboratory. In a clean environment. The chemist at the laboratory study the way the body works when it is unhealthy. And try to make the body heal by making medication for a specific illness. Then the medication is made in factory at large quantity’s for pharmacy’s to give to their patients. That is where and how medication is made and provided. Wouldn’t you think?
November 4, 2017
âInevidable Woman (version-2)’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
November 2, 2017
Here is a picture of my computer and music stuff in my room. I moved them into my room today for a change. I did get that casio keyboard in the mail today from Canada post it is a nice keyboard midi I route it to my sequencer and then the sequencer to the module and from the module to the mixer to the Creative Labs Extigy to the computer using linux. Time to make some music!
November 1, 2017
I’ll tell you guys something. I have known this for a long time. Multi-core processors is a bad idea, for this reason. If you have a one core processor on one computer running at 1.7 ghz and 2 1.7 core processors running on a different computer. Guess what? They both run at the same speed and always will. Why because it goes by the division factor 2 / 1.7 is 1.7 thus both computers will run at the same speeds ALWAYS.
I have not looked on the Internet in on-line computer store weather they are selling bigger CPU’s with more processing power. But right now I am using a $3400 IBM Think pad from 2004 That I bought for around 80 dollars last year and it is a single core mobile technology Centrino processor running at 1.6 and it has never buffered on me and I am only using 2 gigs of ram. And I am using Linux. Sure a computer a personal device but we all communicate together with them. That’s why they called a a “PC” a “PERSONAL COMPUTER”. I have an Idea for a holographic display. It is based on someone else’s idea who used CD cases setup in a triangular or or square form it was. And the out come was he was able to display an image from his mobile device inside the CD cases. For my non pixelated display technology Facebook page I would have put that down a as a new kind of display for the future had I not given up on that Face book page.
But considering the fact my brother bought a brand new 4 core computer running a multi-tracking music application and he said to me it buffers. That is pretty bad for 2017!! If computer manufactures can’t figure out that it is the division factor why multi-core computers are so slow.. Why?? Make a bigger processor and make it more heat resistant. I think it was 1996 when I saw processors reach 6.0 ghz That’s pretty darn fast!! for 1996. The operating system just uses the processing power and nothing else. Ram just stores the data that was left behind and can be reused, ram read and write access time is important to know. The faster the read write access time on ram the better the computer will store and use data. Ya, there are old computer out there that people don’t know about that are faster than some of the most expensive multi-core computers money can buy.
October 31, 2017
I bought a Casio Casiotone MT-240 49 Key Electronic Keyboard MIDI Synth.
October 29, 2017
âAsshole and Bitch (Version 3, 4 & 5)â by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find them at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
October 28, 2017
âAcoustic 7â by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find them at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
October 27, 2017
âAsshole and Bitch (Version 1 & 2)â by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
Also, the ‘discs that almost slipped away’ have been uploaded to the site. All 11 of them.
You can find them at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
October 24, 2017
Trending is Slander. Get rid of it.
âA rock songâ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
I worked on this for about a half an hour and you can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
October 17, 2017
For those looking for samples I have 696.77 megabytes available to download.
October 13, 2017
âNo Justice just isâ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find it at marlonthemusician1000x.com.
October 12, 2017
âHard Electronic Evil Pianoâ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find them at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
October 11, 2017
There’s a lot of street racers in my area. I can literally feel the turn in my heart from the turbine engine in those cars! They come out of no where your never prepared for them when your sitting at home with the window open and everything is all silent and all of sudden vroooooooom! I wonder if anyone has died from shock of it! Maybe. Maybe a baby sleeping silently in his her crib.. đ The things you know and think of when your a lonely bird.
October 10, 2017
An album called ‘Album’ is available to download at marloncairenius.bandcamp.com.
October 7, 2017
âJ n M Futuristicâ CDr can find it at marlonthemusician1000x.com.
October 3, 2017
Okay.. My 15 km bike ride yesterday. I went to see a nurse practitioner about getting my medication prescribed. a few years ago I was seeing this other doctor who sent me a letter and wrote if I still want his services than I write back before a certain date. I did not write back cause I was too busy too tired of seeing him. So I rode my electric bike 15 km to see a nurse practitioner to have medication prescribed to me, simple as that! I got there yesterday and the nurse practitioner tells me that the pharmacy electronically sends refill request by computer. And that is how my medication gets refilled. I rode there twice 15 km few weeks ago. and yesterday. Just to know that information. I like the good ole day’s when you just ask a question and you get a straight answer. Not these day’s, not with me. It’s like I have to travel 1000000000 light years to just find out what time it is.
September 30, 2017
Good news! The Extigy sound blaster, that I was trying to get working in puppy linux works now. I was using this version called Lucid puppy linux. To get the Extigy sound blaster external sound card to work. Tahr Pup another Linux distrubution that came out in 2014 I think works with it quite well it seems. Don’t need to borrow the tacam 4 track digital recorder to record the sound from the mu5! I can let the Extigy do that! And using a wave editor.
September 26, 2017
Thinkpad t40, yamaha qx5, yamaha mu5, Alto zmx 52. And soon I’ll be able to do stereo recordings. I was doing stereo recording before as-well just not recently, I am using linux right now and the drivers don’t work well for stereo sound in linux on my computer. Getting a tascam 4 track digital recorder from my brother Johan, that will give me stereo sound for sure.
September 22, 2017
I changed the jpeg photo of me with my cat soc’s. I drew a picture of a robot figure human with drum sticks with drums behind it and a circuit diagram and used a image editor effect on it. looks good. I also put it on my online marlonthemusician1000x music store.
September 11, 2017
okay. it went well. I know how to copy a measure on the qx5! Accuracy is everything. not perfect. but the tempo is right. I just need to add bass guitar and electric guitar.
September 10, 2017
Accuracy is everything.
I am and was trying to make Bass-metal. I was listening to skinny puppy, download album. and I was making this beat in real-time for 1 and a half hours. still could not get it right. my fingers are all shaky from the coffee I had today and pressing little buttons is a hit and miss. I have to try again when I am in the mood to make a drum beat to make a bass-metal song.
September 8, 2017
I would like to share this! since 2006, since I have been living at WhiteOaks. I have had a problem with the amount of smoke I had and the air quality in my apartment unit. I have complained a lot on Facebook. Said to open the windows more often, stuff like that. My Apartment unit is small and I live right in the corner of the building, opening the windows is a great idea. but when cars exhaust travel to my unit when they park their cars. and the entrance is just below my unit it is a a good idea to get a air purifier. I had a small one before. I bought another second one. and then I had 2. but it was too loud and it was not enough. now I got this one Called Pure Gardian from Walmart that is quite tall large Hepa filter and it works! I went so many years with bad quality air in my apartment unit.
September 5, 2017
No picture to show right now. But I did get my Electric bike together. the bike is called an ozark trail from walmart I bought. Nice looking bike heavy but nice ride. I found more spokes cause I only bought 18 spokes from Golden Motor and it was not enough to cover the whole inner rim. Now That I found more I can cover the rest…Yippy!!!!
September 4, 2017
I was riding my bike to pick up my medication yesterday night. I saw a man and a small child heading my direction towards the traffic lights. He saw that I was looking at him he smiled gently. Pushed the traffic light button. Light turns green, my back tire violently falls off the curb 4 inches, He say’s “HA HA, his wheel fell off!” I ignored it. As I approached the pharmacy on my bike my head sort of wonders to look down to see if it fell off. Jerk!
September 3, 2017
I got a new bike rim a couple day’s ago. I installed new spokes onto it with a Golden Motor motor. 26″ rim 4 spokes by 6. Looks cool! I just need to tighten the screws put the tire on the forks attach all the wiring and batteries. And the bike will be ready to ride as an electric bike.
September 3, 2017
After I saw a random female post a picture of a man’s head saying how she feels about random man giving her advice at a sound check. With a picture of a man’s head cut off. and I saw that EDWARD KA-SPEL LIKED such carnage I un-followed Edward and took Seconds late for the Brighton line CD a Legenday Pink Dots Album by Edward Ka-spel and the Silverman and twisted in half and threw it into the bathroom garbage.đ
Strange thing is I liked the same thing some many months back and you were on my friends list Edward. I guess that is how Karma works. I guess this is goodbye..
September 1, 2017
Did a little recording this evening and wrote this song called ‘A Song’.
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
August 31, 2017
So I don’t use windows Xp anymore. I am using Puppy Linux Lucid. And for music I am using a Yamaha Qx5 and a Mu5 by yamaha. I plug in the mu5 to the line in on my computer and I’ll start using muse that is on the Puppy linux. No keyboard though.. I guess I can plug the midi through the midi through on the sequencer and plug it in to the usb on the computer, maybe that will work. Other news. I am having trouble finding a doctor that will refill my anti depresant headache and antipsychotic pills. and I have 4 weeks left of refills. This refill finding a doctor business I have been dealing with around 2 months now and it has been a major pain.
August 27, 2017
I was able to cut a new frame for that snake painting my dad gave me. I found a piece of ply wood in the garbage and I cut 4 pieces of wood screwed it in together with some 3 little pieces of wood holding the glass painting on the frame, it is pretty solid it won’t budge. this snake painting with the new frame won’t fall off the wall I hope!
August 22, 2017
I finished the Virusus album. I listened to it a several times a lot of times, my apartment was very smokey cause I had the kitchen window shut this morning, smelt awful in my apartment like stale cigarettes, I opened all the windows to get some nice fresh air in my apartment a lot better now, there were work men working on the windows on the side of the apartment, that’s why I had the window shut there and could not get much fresh air in my unit. So now this Virusus album is done, I don’t prefer it on speakers cause it gets to loud. On head phones I can listen to semi loud music but too loud is not good either.
I think it is one of those CDRs if you have not listened to it in a long time the first listen is always the best. and the more you listen to it, you want put it away.
August 20, 2017
Well.. I got 3 songs done for this virusus album. and now I have a drum track saved on my midi sequencer. the songs are sounding pretty good! I decided to make 3 cdr’s and I am going to draw on them and print out a laser printed cover on plain paper on what kind of case I don’t know yet. I hope this album turns out good. 5 songs is the aim. I am going to put the mp3’s on my website recording folder and maybe put this one up for a digital download or CDR purchase.
August 7, 2017
Marlon’s story of the Yamaha QX5! I was at a friends place long time ago maybe 1994 his name is Helio he had a qx5 midi sequencer. at the time I was not much into music making but interested. He mentioned something about a module and I always wondered what that was. I thought it was a instrument player of some sort. I asked him how to use the qx5 and he said the everything gets recorded on the first track. I remembered that. some years later I got more into music and I owned a yamaha dx27 a computer to record music sound card and software to play around with. later with regret he ended up selling the qx5 to me for 50 dollars and months went by and I ended up selling my equipment along with the qx5 to a store called Cash Converters, we parted ways him and I a month later. I found the same qx5 on sale on ebay for 85 dollars. I even have the module for it. Strange but true! the tracking number had his initials. I asked him if he wanted it I was going to give it to him for free! He said I could have it.
August 7, 2017
I can’t believe I am using an operating system from 2009! Puppy linux lucid. The website is still up, the people who make puppy linux. It took some tinkering but I got the Puppy linux lucid working okay, it took a matter of installing java and jre and using and installing an old verion of Fox. I even have flash working from adobe that one was npapi from some reason and it worked. the yamaha qx5 was not an easy task to understand the manual a 5 cm manual I read the whole thing I know how to use the qx5 almost completely but changing the drum sample to stay there when I use another instrument like if I exchange track 1 to track 2 and I want to use analog drums it will use standard drums from some reason, that I don’t understand, there are ways around it. it took 6 hours to make that song yesterday, or half an hour to make the song the rest of the hours spent transferring files writing a blog converting a wav file to mp3 recording to device entering information into the computer. Music is work you got to think the other kind of work that go’s with it.
July 11, 2017
âThrough a tube not through a tubeâ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find them at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
July 9, 2017
Here is that yamaha QX5. i purchased from ebay. it the big black one in the picture. its a midi sequencer. yesterday I read the owners manual and I almost know how to use it. I bought this cause I think I wanted a hard ware version of midi multi tracking. Something other than software midi multi tracking.
July 7, 2017
Having a lot of friends on Facebook does not work for me. I was in a weird mood and I deleted all my add friend contacts. It’s my news feed, Facebook makes too much changes in the settings and it like reading something that is not well organised enough that just boggles my mind too much. So I prefer to have my friend list low. I would love to have as many friends as I could but I simply can’t remember everything enough to have them there. I bought a Yamaha QX5 and this time i still have money left over for the month, not much but enough. Going to hook it up to my Yamaha module. The Roland mc300 the transformer was not busted, there was current going through it, but I broke the bio’s chip taking it out of it’s socket thinking it was backwards, broke a couple legs. It was not working in the first place when I plugged it in, right after I bought it. I don’t know why?
July 6, 2017
I got my Marlonthemusician1000x store running and I hope that everything is working.
June 25, 2017
The mc-300 sequencer that came in the mail yesterday. Yes it finally came in the mail from Mexico. I opened the box, Plugged the cord into the mc-300 and into the wall outlet. Nothing… After a little bit of examination I found that the mc-300 cover box was unscrewed the floppy drive was just dragging along the circuitry (not screwed in properly) I was so tired. Of waiting for that thing and vha cleaning barely any food in my belly. I cut the transformer cord thinking I could fix it my self. Normally I would not have done that in this case I did so normally this is the case I guess. it was 23.5 volts I had a 19 volt display adapter that should have lit up the screen at least! if it did I would have been happy with that. It did not. My brother said cause I bought it from mexico that is is like that. I wondered why this person would have internet than if he would sell me a dud from e-bay. It could have been opened at customs and damaged there. there is no reason why it should not work. I paid 195 dollars for it. I can’t return it because I already tampered with it by cutting the transformer wires so it is not in original state. My problem.. I took the risk. I am probably going to try and buy another sequencer or maybe just keep using the sequencer for my computer.
June 18, 2017
they want me to sign a paper that say’s to keep my cat safe. they are so stupid. I had the same cat when I was 3 looks identical to the one I had when I was younger. immortal cat? maybe? or maybe he was reborn. He just going to follow me in the next life and he’l be with me again. Some thing’s you just can’t can’t change. when their smart enough to use the word mentality in their language maybe in the next life I won’t get a letter in the mail suggesting that I am forced to sign such a foolish thing.
June 17, 2017
To me the bible suggests that angels are infinite and powerful. But this angel you see here I placed today this little shaver box because I thought, well maybe I should put it into a small box because it getting more and more damaged. This angel does not have eyes so I can’t tell if it is sleeping. Look’s abit like a coffin in some way an angel sleeping in a coffin, I hope! No one can fix this angel it is too delicate and the metal used is by far more than then the ordinary so I don’t want to tamper with it or anyone else. So it will stay in this little shaver box and it won’t stare at me when I am using the computer where all my cds are records and stuff. I’ll miss this little angel. I already feel someone went somewhere.
May 26, 2017
Today I released the ‘Lump Album’ and you can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
May 18, 2017
Every month I buy 10 cartons of cigarettes and I’ll do that till the day I die or until I get sick of smoking when ever that maybe or when ever circumstances allow me to smoke less at this moment in time I can smoke in my apartment 10 cartons. 10 cartons equates to approximately 2 packs of 25 cigarettes a day 66.6 cigarettes exactly. The cough I have is not from smoking. it is from the flu virus vaccination they shot people with 2 years ago. when people get their flu shot they enhance their immunity to the flu virus every couple years with a new flu virus with chemicals that heal the new flu they injected them selves with. And the people who don’t or never got the injected get infected with a more viral form of the flu and that is why I cough so much flem cause it is so hard to fight the new form flu. I have been trying everything to fight this flem problem. from eating large doses of fruit cocktails, taking vitamin c, garlic, cold and chest conjestion remedy. eating more than usual to keep energy up. I did not think till now that maybe it is just normal??? I am 38 coughing is a normal thing to do. I don’t do it that often maybe I am just being to particular?
May 14, 2017
Today I released ‘I like to eat’ and you can find it @ Marlonthemusician1000x.com.
May 12, 2017
Today I released ‘Natures Evolution’ and you can find it @ Marlonthemusician1000x.com.
May 10, 2017
I just thought of something really interesting! Foremost about consent forms in the health care industry. Over the past 17 years I have been in care of a mental health clinic they frequently ask me sign consent forms, I never have enough time to read them through because they always verbally tell me before hand what it is all about before I sign it. I wonder if even email like google, yahoo facebook have digital signature programs that fool the user into giving private, health family and other personal data to agency’s for money. these agency’s could be advertising agency’s that use the data on tv or on the internet. I remember my brother telling me mar the tv is talking to me! I also had thoughts that someone was conspiring and I suspected something from those internet ad’s. Even what I type gets calculated somehow on facebook and those words equate to an ad.
I think that is wrong.. what they do if I am right especially if it against a persons will and with out knowing, they can always do what they want but they will pay for the pain that they caused.
May 8, 2017
Having a good day today! Today I threw out my bike trailer home. I got another skinny puppy hat in the mail, I was going to give it to my uncle in finland who’s name is aatu in finish I translate that as hat so I thought I would buy him a hat, but then I changed my mind cause I thought my uncle did not listen to skinny puppy! đ lol so now I use my legendary pink dots shirt and new skinny puppy hat and hang it on a pink coat hanger on my wall. the shirt still does not fit me. So things that have going on with me lately a tribunal is coming up I have the choice to attend or not about To Evict and end my tenacy in the unit I live and the out come of that will be weather I move or not. So I suppose this has been so far a good afternoon.
May 5, 2017
I went to shoppers drug mart and bought a pair of reading glasses.
May 1, 2017
My brother Johan bought this for my birthday as an early birthday gift from Cam’s buy and sell store. dual band 10 different equalizer settings. I had one with only 5 different eq settings before. This makes my music sound a lot fuller boy does it ever. I wonder what a eq with 31 different equalizer settings could do?
April 26, 2017
âNew Acoustic Session Songâ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find it at themarlonblog.blogspot.com.
April 26, 2017
I bought a pair of headphones from the convenience store these head phones you see in the photo are excellent. the black ones I bought if you remember. the 1995 SONY MDR-023 where Excellent too, bought the plastic piece came off. I like the black one’s for it’s dangerously subtle noise ratio. the red ones the are like having a pair of speakers right by my head. there both great headphones, which one I would prefer I don’t know difficult choice. Maybe the red ones.The red ones are maxell head phones.
December 14, 2016
I have been looking for 4 split windows for my computer monitor that mirrors the desktop and that I can rotate it so they direct toward the center. I was wrong windows vista and windows 7 and windows 10 do not support that feature yet. but if someone out there knows or can create a piece of software that mirrors the desktop 4 times in a window and it can be rotated and directed towards the center, they can be aligned so that a plastic or glass pyramid upside down is placed on the center and displays the holographic image. a 19 inch external monitor is big enough to do that. I could do all my computer activity’s in a holographic way it be cool and fun.
I have some more idea for you guys to steal. I already inserted in the search the keywords in ebay holagraphic monitor. so it should catch on soon. When I talked to that guy that odd case worker about an idea about a holographic display. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YWTtCsvgvg You can do it now! if you have windows vista or windows 7 or windows 10 and an external monitor, use moderately sized piece of plastic and follow what in the video. and you’l have a diy excellent custom made holographic monitor. probably better than the ones that you’d buy in a couple years or couple months.
July 7, 2016
here is the sences of dimentia album on the Jnm website I have 3 copies left. message me if you want a copy 10 dollars 7 dollars shipping for the cd album. cdr in dvd case with lyric black and white lyric book. you can listen to the mp3’s on the link below too.
You can find it at thejandmprojet Google Drive
May 6, 2016
With the effects of smoking on me. To help people who decide one day to smoke on a daily bases. I promote drinking tea with lemon juice and drinking orange juice/lemon aid for battling the effects of smoking on your body. I have heard lemon juice is good for clearing the smoke out your lungs. I would avoid grape fruit when taking medication though that is citric but I have spoken to nurses who say grape fruit is not good for some medications.
February 12, 2016
âReptillian brainâ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles) consists of 2 tracks.
You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.
February 1, 2016
I’ll put this snake man song here. I know it is not as fun as bandcamp the quality of the song file differs since bandcamp uses either wav or flac and something else I think higher quality formats. my website uses mp3 format sound.
Check my Google Drive for it.
January 25, 2016
‘The discs that almost slipped away – part one’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find this in my Google Drive.
January 20, 2016
Facebook is like being fucked up the ass in the head for me anybody else have the same problem?????? I have never been fucked up the ass don’t want to be. but I express my feelings like as if I where being psychologically molested…… Sometimes, that’s why I don’t spend much time on facebook. it’s not fun.
January 18, 2016
Bought a dell inspiron 1546 for 60 dollars. Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit won’t install. Windows Xp won’t install. Windows 2000 won’t install. Lubuntu dose not work properly, installs fine but than it won’t boot up. The only operating system that works on this inspiron is puppy linux but the printer and wireless drivers don’t work. I updated the bios from a03 to a04 tried installing a bunch of operating systems after that no change. Windows 7 64 bit asks me for harddrive drivers and I went to the toshiba website and got the toshiba raid drivers. got to the point in the windows install to add them, looked like it worked but did not. Looks like I will be using puppy linux with no printer drivers or wireless. ethernet works. that’s good.
January 13, 2016
‘The cheese has turned to fine rust’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Castâles).
You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.
January 12, 2016
I got my excellently made M-Cast’le’s bracelet from my Facebook friend Heather King at Locustgirl Photography in the mail today. I don’t know myself to wear ear rings or bracelets, or necklaces. maybe a necklace chain when I was a teen. The bracelet fits so comfortably it’s like I am not even wearing it, which is good, cause I don’t like wearing stuff that feel uncomfortable. I am happy with it and I love it. wear it all the time.
January 9, 2016
Make up with your mind with a damn display! you manufactures! If you keep upgrading the display the pictures will get worse from the past and you manufactures will have to keep upgrading your digital camera equipment to equate the pixels. svga is enough. it’s perfect. hd well that’s just ridiculuxs
This is the end of the line…