Weblogs For 2015

Unfortunately many of the links to Album art, Music, some links to Webpages and logs had to be removed or are missing.

These Weblogs exist today because they were archived by the Wayback Machine and the rest came from Facebook.com.

This page was updated on January 6 2020.

December 24, 2015

‘CDR1’ is an Album by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les) and it contains 13 tracks.

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

December 20, 2015

‘Miscellaneous Song 220 with spunjet baby unity pack’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at miscellaneousrecordings.bandcamp.com.

December 5, 2015

‘Disabler’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

November 27, 2015

‘Time to get movin’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it in myGoogle DRive.

November 12, 2015

‘You all need to discover’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

November 11, 2015

The Joman and I made this instrumental song today around 1:00 pm. Sound quality is pretty good, Could be better Johan says this song reminds him of garage band type music. I like the quality. Took us many tries and takes to make this song.

‘Blues Beat 1’ by JnM project.

You can find it at jnmproject.bandcamp.com.

‘Secret Message’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

November 9, 2015

‘Zippy’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

November 4, 2015

A schematic that may work with my electric bike.

‘Blues Dance’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

November 3, 2015

Had to take off the screws from the tire cause it was rubbing against the top of the fork, not only that I did not have the proper tool to take the tips off. I guess I could have used vice grips and I cut a couple of them and that would have fixed my fork problem. but I was too tired too tired… so my bike tire is back to what it was before, maybe I’ll try again some other day.

‘JnM Album 14’ is a album by JnM project and it contains 14 tracks.

You can find it at jnmproject.bandcamp.com.

October 27, 2015

‘2-Live’ by JnM project.

You can find it at jnmproject.bandcamp.com.

October 16, 2015

‘Words in a frame’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

October 14, 2015

‘Song 195 Digital S’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

October 13, 2015

‘Backwards Song8’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find in my Google Drive.

October 11, 2015

‘Song 194 Blues Electric Bass’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

October 7, 2015

That new mixer I bought is pretty good! I was doing some testing on it just a few minutes ago. I can get some feedback on it playing with the faders. it has a ground screw so I attached the ground wire to the ground of a electrical socket. I have two inputs one for guitar and one for microphone. my brother johan went to long and mcquade yesterday and bought a 2 rca to trs so I can use that as an guitar input. I have more inputs but two I will use for now. the mixer seems to be working pretty good. I like it.

October 7, 2015

My new amx sm1550! just arrived today!

October 4, 2015

‘I like to eat’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

October 2, 2015

oil furnace monster!

October 1, 2015

So i spent 30 dollars on a mixer on e-bay. a 4 channel microphone mixer. with aux and line inputs. Good deal! Looks nice to has VU meters, That’s all I am spending this month on music stuff. I need the mixer as my behringer is broken.

September 28, 2015

‘Electric Guitar Solo Session’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

September 27, 2015

I was thinking about my song sling shot to mars. A lot of stuff went through my mind after I wrote that song. I now think that planets in our solar system are moving away from the sun and soon earth with go out of the habitable zone and be like a planet like Mars some eons from now and while that happens Venus the one closest to the Sun will move to the habitable zone and turn into a planet like Earth while all the other planets in our solar system move away as-well. So it seems Mars was once in our habitable zone..

‘miscellaneousrecordings-3’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find in my Google Drive.

September 26, 2015

In English my Name is pronounced Marlon J-uh-an-ee Care-eh-nee-us!

In Finnish My Name is pronounced Marlon You-han-ee Cay-reh-neeoows!

September 26, 2015

‘Cob2’ by Electroniek Symphoniek.

I…Like corn..on the cob..on the cob.. Look for it in my Google Drive.

September 24, 2015

‘miscellaneousrecordings-2’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find in my Google Drive.

September 19, 2015

‘Yogurt’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

September 17, 2015

‘Sling shot to Mars’ by JnM Projects.

You can find it atjnmproject.bandcamp.com.

September 16, 2015

I was getting my mail from the downstairs mail room at the apartment where I live. I noticed that the mailman was still behind the mailbox’s putting the mail in. I opened my mail box and there was mail in it but no packages yet. so I left my mailbox open waiting for maybe a package to be put in my mailbox. and I heard a small voice say “need some help!” the mail man radioed security I thought he was asking me if I need some help. and then he came around and put packages in the delivery box so I assumed there was not any package for me cause they put them they put the mail in I have done it before. than I closed my mailbox and left and a security guard followed me up the stairs I held the door open for him and he said thanks! Weird eh!

September 9, 2015

‘m-castles-logs’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

August 29, 2015

‘untitled song 186’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at jnmproject.bandcamp.com.

August 27, 2015

‘Continuous’ is an album by JnM projects and it consists of 5 tracks.

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

August 24, 2015

I made a new blue version of this album and came out really good! after another listen to this album this morning it’s still good. not as boring as I thought.

August 22, 2015

‘Metal Alien Skeletal Voodo Dancer’ is an album by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les) and it contains 3 tracks.

The album took I think 4 days total to make. I like the way it turned out. finished the last 3rd track today. 30 min total.

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

August 20, 2015

Got the second song “Commune interception” for my Alien skeletal voodo dancer album done. this is sounding GOOD! :D!

August 15, 2015

‘Song 180’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

August 13, 2015

I found out that I didn’t put one of my best albums on Bandcamp. This album was made in 2007 I think I am not sure…but here it is

‘Akka’ is an album by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les) and it contains 5 tracks.

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

August 12, 2015

‘Don’t lose hope cause I Smoke’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

August 8, 2015

‘Blues session strum pick’ byJnM project.

You can find it at jnmproject.bandcamp.com.

August 7, 2015

‘I’m ain’t no Guru’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

July 30, 2015

‘Days like this’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

July 29, 2015

‘058’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

July 18, 2015

‘miscellaneous recordings 170’ by Marlon Cairenius (M-Cast’les).

cool thinking song that can found in my Google Drive.

July 17, 2015

A perfect example of my coasm album! Here go’s: A rogers representative comes and knocks on my door, tells me he got a deal for me for internet and tv. I said I am not interested. He does not leave. He asks a couple questions how much I use for bandwith and gigabytes for my internet. I answer. and he gives me an even better deal. I tell him it’s complicated. because. the salesman before him was a client of the company the “competator” and I don’t want to call him and tell him and do all the calls and that it would be complicated. he then tells me I am scaring myself! Coasm! I feel blieged and confused. In fact what was happening there was he was scaring me by telling me that. These salesmen have got some good phchological tricks up there sleaves. They either know me and I don’t know them and there trying to take advantage of me pisses me off. I feel like someone is pulling a fishing line on my heart.

July 11, 2015

Cool! I found some CDR’s I had not read on the cdrom drive. I found music from 2010 and a some JNM Project files a few files where lost, but I was able to get this new album out on bandcamp. None of these songs have ever been on bandcamp. I called the album “the old revivelerly” because it’s like I am reviving old stuff from the past.

You can find it at m-castles.bandcamp.com.

July 9, 2015

‘Song 169’ by JnM project.

You can find it at jnmproject.bandcamp.com.


posted Jul 6, 2015, 12:47 AM by Marlon Cairenius

I did the drums for this track several days ago and yesterday night I added an acoustic guitar. I also added Polysynth. Mastered it and this came out pretty well! A favorite!

Mystery songs 16 Cassette

posted Jul 2, 2015, 5:24 PM by Marlon Cairenius

Mystery songs 16!! A very good album. Like the description say’s on bandcamp. It has some of my best songs from 2008 to 2013. A pity I lost that usb flash drive….2008 was a good year for music for me.

Reptillian brain CDR

posted Jul 2, 2015, 5:24 PM by Marlon Cairenius

Reptillian brain. a two track 15 min song experience! When I got the songs done for this album I was astonished at how this album effected me. There’s sounds in it so twisted and elongated strummed in an unusual way it got my imagination going for some kind of war battle going on. With Reptile’s! I got this idea for the album art and there it is! lol

A painter CDR

posted Jul 2, 2015, 5:24 PM by Marlon Cairenius

A painter? A long boring 20 min song with slight changes. I like the cover art though. The reason I made this disc is because for a long time that was stuck in my head was about how people grew beards. When I was like 18. I could barely grow a beard but when I did. I had this Spanish Artist look and that was what I was going for..lol back then. A friend of mine mentioned vandeta and I was clueless. I was looked at that kind of beard as an artist look. I remember my other brother timo who bought a video camera for his computer and on the box was a picture of a guy with a painters hat and that same Spanish beard going on. The mask in the drawing of this album is suppose to represent how people have nicknames and seem to be someone else but yet they are the same person.

Perspective CDR

posted Jul 2, 2015, 4:53 PM by Marlon Cairenius

Trying to remember how this one came about. I think it was 2004 sometime really one of my first albums in a long time since I made music before 1998 and after 2000 and stopped making music for about a year because of mental problems and started again in 2002. This one was released after my album “Royal spacey” the same year, 2004. I had made music that accumulated that was on my hard drive and noticed I had at least 13 songs on it. So I said to myself, hmmm. why not make an album out of it and call it “Perspective”? So I did that. Used the paint program in windows before that took a picture of my eye and drew a sort of pyramid design around the eye. I also remember I got my keystaion that year maybe and my brother and I, Johan recorded “Newday” he added the harpsichord playing in it. And that’s how that turned out.

The Coasm CDR

posted Jul 2, 2015, 4:24 PM by Marlon Cairenius

The Coasm CDR was a fun one to make and I think I hit spot on with this one. I enjoy listening to this one everytime, it has not let me down. Just one of those evenings and there where many of them that seemed to be connected in some way. The guitar work was perfect and the samples and instruments flew like butter. I was happy with the outcome of the music I decided to make official distribution cardboard inserts and ink on it. Not color ink or just printer ink. but it did save me time though a little expensive than doing it my self, who know’s maybe I’ll give the distribution thing another try again someday.

Flush reworked Version CDR

posted Jun 23, 2015, 3:47 AM by Marlon Cairenius

This album has 6 songs total. I remember buying 3 or 4 600 ml plastic containers filled with Yogurt when I recorded the song “My brain is thinking” And I ate them all in one sitting. And I recorded the song after I ate that yogurt. Weather the the Yogurt had any influence on me making the song is debatable. It still is a good song. Another good track the first one “Down cure my blood” and the second one “Flush reworked V2” The others? Not bad? In my opinion. But I can listen to this album right through and still enjoy it or at least tolerate it.

Innovations and Arrows CDR

posted Jun 23, 2015, 2:40 AM by Marlon Cairenius

This album was created in 2005 with two Legendary Pink Dots cover songs on it. I think I did a great job on the covers I worked hard to get them just right, I like to say I worked months on this album, to be honest I can’t really remember. But I remember vigorously working on the two covers, I think it may have been day’s when I got the notes correctly copied by listening to the two covers “the more it changes” and “the the warden” and finally mastering it with some eqing but the result of the album did not happen until I moved to a new apartment in town that year, which was months later. This album has 10 songs total. A pretty good album!


posted Jun 22, 2015, 5:26 PM by Marlon Cairenius

There’s 7 stream-able new songs since I last wrote here on bandcamp with a new one called instrumental song 155, I think that song is a rare one for me.. There’s just sounds in it I think are special. As for other news, not much.. I have changed my recording setup. I have my eq and computer together. And I have my two keyboards the masternote and the casio cz1000 together at different area along with my behringer and two studio monitors. I decided I would like a different setup. works for me as for the way I record. Take a long time to figure out how to and where to put things just to make a proper recording.

Miscellaneous Recordings!!

posted Jun 10, 2015, 5:06 PM by Marlon Cairenius

I got some cool news about Miscellaneous Recordings! Now all the 156 music files that where on bandcamp. Are now on the Miscellaneous Recordings page. All albums and singles. So they merged to together and become one. I made a new banner for the Miscellaneous Recording page tab too. Still keeping Bandcamp as a good streaming service and way to sell new music and like CDR’s and maybe a Record one day. https://sites.google.com/site/marlonthemusician/miscellaneous-recordings

Sample kit 2013

posted Jun 10, 2015, 12:16 PM by Marlon Cairenius

My sample kit, from the Realistic concertmate1100 and the homemadedrum kit I made are available for download. this is the info inside the txt file in the zip file.
Concertmate1100-15 through 95.sf2 were sampled by Marlon Cairenius
from the Casio Concertmate 1100 using Audicity and then tuned with
viena soundfont software.

The Home_made_drum_kit-2013-2-Aug_td.sf2 were sampled by Marlon Cairenius
various free td drum sounds from the internet modified to the creators liking
and other invented sounds sampled using voice recorders and mics and modified
using Audicity and then tuned with viena soundfont software.


Sampling done in 2013

The file is is called samplekit2013.zip and is located here

Here is a new bandcamp song!

posted Jun 9, 2015, 2:23 AM by Marlon Cairenius

Here is a new bandcamp song! https://m-castles.bandcamp.com/track/looking-at-the-clouds


posted May 29, 2015, 7:32 AM by Marlon Cairenius

I just purchased this olympus ws 822 recorder! One reason why I bought this is because the price was right and that at that price for 16 bit 44.1 and such a small device that can record at that rate I would definitely buy. 136 bucks total. It’s a voice recorder. but I call it a sampler. just cause I use it to make small sound clips and instrument sounds to play on a keyboard or paste into a song. My friend helio has been doing that for a long time too. you can find small sound clips and instruments samples there as-well not only the miscellaneous section. My audio recording will get real good recordings. www.spunjet.com

Song 136!

posted May 21, 2015, 5:48 PM by Marlon Cairenius

There’s info about it too https://m-castles.bandcamp.com/track/song-136

Flush reworked version

posted May 19, 2015, 9:11 PM by Marlon Cairenius

For the past week. I have been thinking about this album. I wondered which album to physicalize next. Couple days ago I made that CDR label (that image you see at the bottom) Looks good, no? I have always liked this album too. especially the song “my brain is thinking”. I might make this one, stream-able too. But not too many albums. I don’t want 156 albums ending up on my bandcamp profile like last-time. lol.

Beyond the barrier reconstruction

posted May 8, 2015, 2:04 PM by Marlon Cairenius

The beyond the barrier reconstruction is complete. Used a string instead of a staple or glue to keep the booklet together. all round the album looks good to me. I think well done! This is one of my favorite albums from the past since 2004. The art is great. Especially the front cover always liked that. So for now I put one for sale on bandcamp, and if I happen to sell that one I’ll make more. As always.

Beyond the barrier reconstruction

posted May 5, 2015, 2:28 AM by Marlon Cairenius

I am going to try and make a new beyond the barrier reconstruction. Meaning the songs for the album will remain the same. It will have a nice color booklet with new beyond the barrier art. The way it looks now is pretty plain the cdr it self looks good! If I make some good new art for it, it will look a lot better! This is what it looks like now: https://m-castles.bandcamp.com/merch/beyond-the-barrier-cdr

The confusion matrix CDR

posted Mar 19, 2015, 1:32 AM by Marlon Cairenius

This Album was made in 2005. A good album all in the same song order it
was than in 2005. A good album soft to heavy sounds electronic sound it has.
Has it’s own sound. You’d have to listen to it your self to get the feeling for it.
A good album, me thinks. There’s also a CDR version of it that I can ship that
is on Bandcamp just click merchandise at the top left when on the Bandcamp site.

M-Cast’le’s CDR2

posted Jan 13, 2015, 4:09 AM by Marlon Cairenius

The last album I put togther, was a while ago. It is called CDR2. This album is by far one of my favorites! Weird, boring exciting and unique.
There are as many purchasable downloads for this album, but only one physical copy at the moment, I’ll update it if it sells. I hope people enjoy this album as much as I do. https://m-castles.bandcamp.com/merch/m-castles-cdr2-audio-cd-format-cdr

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