Weblogs for 2008

Unfortunately all the links to Album art, Music and some links to Webpages had to be removed because they can no longer be found. These Weblogs only exist today because they were archived and can be found at the Wayback Machine.

This page was updated on June 18th 2019.

Sunday Dec.28.2008


Monday Dec 22.2008

Video: Johan and Marlon play “Harmonic bond” Avi file below picture: aprox 15 megabytes/2:11 secs.

(Jo&mar.jpg)(file name)


Dec 21st 2008

Only 5 hours late!

The new “Volume 2 – Electroniek Symphoniek” Is free and available to download at this link.
(Or the other cool projects page below).

You may need to refresh the page.


Dec 19th/2008

Got down to making messing around with this song. It is remixed version of The Ocean song.


The Ocean song Fun Mix


Dec 15th/2008


Dec 13th/08

Here is the same song I uploaded below. It is a better equalized version.

Marlon_Cairenius-I_dont_know-Vb.ogg version B

Dec 13th/08


Wed Dec 10th/2008

New and just released a song my bro and I made called “Anything”. This song has a plain old accoustic sound to it with both our vocals at the same time, with a high and a low voice, the combinationed sounds pretty good. This song is at my personal top of songs list I have been part of to make. Yes quite a good song!

This version is a low quality version below the high quality one can be purchased at this >link< at my online store. J&M_Anything.ogg

Wed Dec 3/2008

Farts and funny sounds album Here is a funny little album picture I drew yesterday using my computer to go along with 3 songs previously made by R.h.oZ and my self.



Monday December 1/2008

Title: The art of information. The human mental stability gage.

Notes: Strange but true thoughts I have, I wondered what it would look like on paper.


Right click on the image and select view image for a bigger picture.

Friday November 28/2008


I think it’s funny and wicked but I think it’s a matter of opinion.

Wed November 26th/2008

A small but important update. I had made several versions of “the legendary pink dots” cover of “The more it changes”. Although I asked specifically for permission to put one of the songs I made a cover of I ended up assuming I could post the same song of different versions on my website. Stupid me, I went a little overboard, after a while my concious was getting to me about that, so.. the other previous versions I made was at least 6 of them I have blanked out and the links no longer work on the other pages but this only one below.


November 20th 2008

Today I am pleased to announce the beginnings of the second installment of Electroniek symphoniek. The online event calender has been marked. So check it out!

November 19th/2008

Free mini single called ball and chain



November 15th/2008

This is not music related but anyways..

Facebook implys internet related things are not real.

I logged myself on Facebook and decided I would look for some friends. I clicked “Find Friends” botton When surprisingly I read something they or “Facebook” said this:

“Find people you know on Facebook

Your friends on Facebook are the same friends, acquaintances and family members that you communicate with in the real world. You can use any of the tools on this page to find more friends.”

This is bullshit to me because if I haven’t spoken to friends I haven’t spoken to in a long long while or I don’t speak to them in a regular bases for reasons I don’t even know then I guess “Facebooks” implication means that I am friends with them, that is “Facebooks” ideals. With that “Facebook” statement in mind, I could easily simply just say “Facebook internet related social networks are not real” Since they say “in the real world”

I am not about to believe that the things I do that are internet related are not real because it simply is real!

Oh well.. So I guess this means I’m not suppose to meet new people on “Facebook” and it also means people who use it have the same ideals, I suppose this is my fault for assuming that “Facebook” is good social networking utility.

I think they have some thing to figure out. And me too..

Marlon Cairenius

November 14th 2008


November 13th 2008

Here is a song My brother and I wrote not to long ago. It is called Wind sailer, it’s pretty good!


Nov 9th/2008

Be my friend on facebook!

Update Nov 5th/2008

My permissions beyond the scope of my Creative Commons Canada 2.5 Licence

has been modified as of this date

(You may need to reload the page to see the update)


Nov 4/2008 Update:

Today I am pleased to announce the brand new Musical matrimony Usb album. This was and is the solution for perfect playback. No worries of scratched audio it will stay as long as the usb stick is in good condition.

Discription: One One gigabyte Usb stick attached to a paper cover. Approx 650 Mb of Music. Contains 221 Free* songs from my Free Music page. And the brand new Musical matrimony Album.


Can be purchased at my online store for 22 dollars Canadian – Paypal and Check accepted!

Here is a song for Oct 28th/2008



Samples from this song was taken from the Audiobits experiment Marlon Cairenius Vs. R.h.oZ

Monday Oct 27th/2008

Some bad news! The new J&M Productions Musical matrimony cd that was rereleased this mid Oct has had reports of the music skipping on ogg media players. But there is a solution! Check back within a week for another release of this Album and a see a much better solution for this. So I suppose this would be called a rerelease!

Thursday Oct 9th/2008

Some good news! Introducing the new J&M Productions Musical matrimony Mini ogg cdr! Available for purchase at my online store. This cdr is cool little thing with some nice artwork a simple mini cd paper case. The cdr will play on cd ogg players.


Check out: http://www.marloncairenius.com/buy.html to hear low bitrate samples of this cdr Or you can also go to this link http://www.marloncairenius.com/onlinestore.html to purchase

Sunday Oct 5th/2008

New album!: Crazy holy shit

Can be heard at low bitrate below and can be purchased for a higher bitrate at http://www.marloncairenius.com/download.html



Thursday Oct/02/2008

If you go to this link http://www.ogg.com/artist/____________/summary/ you will get to hear a “Poor old rich man” song ogg in a stream version.

Wed Oct/1/2008

Here’s a treat! 🙂


Tuesday Sept 30th

New album Surprise!!!

(Untitled) Oct 2008


New album! For Oct 2008
3 songs, a trip!

Samples can be heard at the music for sale sampler page. And can be purchased at http://www.marloncairenius.com/onlinestore.html

Sept 25/2008

Here is a song I recorded in 2003 Its pretty good IIIII like it.


Sun Sept/21/2008


fri Sept/19th/2008


Saterday Sept/13th/2008

Hello people, I am exstatic about a new album I have got around to making and finishing up. It is a two song album, it is free and it is a good one an odd one but a good one, I hope you all enjoy this one!

Album name: Down time
Artist: Marlon Cairenius


Track one: Marlon_Cairenius-Footprints.ogg
Track two: Marlon_Cairenius-The_visable_invisable_man.ogg

Friday Sept/12/08

Today me and my bro got around to make a punk song sung by him I made the drum beat he did most of the guitar parts
except for the bass FOR SALE! 🙂

A Breath of fresh air


full stream sample can be heard at http://www.marloncairenius.com/buy.html or can be purchased at http://www.marloncairenius.com/onlinestore.html

Thursday Sept/11/08

Here are two photographs I took I think a couple weeks ago the first one is the actual image, the second below it I adjusted the colours and contrast to try and make the rainbow more prominent.

Can you see the rainbow? 🙂



Wed 09/10/09

A new and even more simpler purchase interface I have created for buying my music is now available


Monday 09/08/08


Saterday 09/06/08

LPD “The more it changes” cover versions

Yes..Cover version 5.1


Saterday 09/06/08

LPD “The more it changes” cover versions Well, after listening to it once more later on today I thought I would adjust some volume levels and take out some static out of the vocals, so here it is LPD cover version “The more it changes” 5.0


LPD “The more it changes” cover versions

Saterday 9/06/08

here in Whitby around 7:35 am I got around to what I think I might call a finallity for my “The more it changes” LPD cover version expirence. To a total of EDIT: 7 versions of this song I have decided to give it a rest for a while. These versions which are all different in someway have a very close relationship to the ones I have heard The Legendary Pink Dots play. 3 to date I have heard, a live version that was on their website many years ago, and one I heard through “You tube”, and the latest I have heard on their “Myspace” page. So there are EDIT: 7 I have come up with. A lot of the songs here where interpreted from songs I have already heard, most of the finalized covers have
mistakes, some in different key and some off by a mile. If you where to ask me what which ones I like the best, I would tell you two versions, first one would be Version 2. and the second one would be the one I just finnished Version 4.1.

more it changes-version1.ogg

Sample version, purchase here

if you would like (Green album)

The more it changes-version 2.ogg

Friday 9/05/08

Yesterday I was happy to find R.h.oZ’s brand new “The magic time traveling bag” series adventure to be completed this one is definetly worth listening to in chronological order, go head! give it a try! :’)


Thursday 9/04/08

I immensely enjoyed making this one, came out wicked.


For more Pink dots goto http://www.legendarypinkdots.org/index.php

Tuesday 9/02/08


Sunday August31/08


Sat August 30th/08



Monday August 25th/2008

Here is a yet another version! : )


Sunday August 24th/2008

my myspace page is up and running.

Edit (Saterday Sept/13/2008) I dont have it anymore because I find it to
difficult to maintain..


Saturday August 23rd/2008

About a month ago I had wrote a letter to my mp here in whitby about copyright here in Canada, I thought I had lost the letter I wrote, but here it is if anyone is interested in reading it, I have been told it has some valid points regarding the copyright issue. http://www.marloncairenius.com/letter.html

Friday August 22nd/2008

Its Friday!


Thursday August 21st/2008

Today this morning I got around to thinking and what I found out was the original “The more it changes” by the Pink dots was in a different key than the ones I had made previously, I found this out listening to there myspace.com website where that song can be heard, so here are two versions, the first one is I think is in key b flat while the one below it is in the b key.



Wed August 20th/2008

Well.. after giving it a while and listening to it once more I have made some tweaks to the song, so far so good.!

Edit: Just reuploaded again. I could hear my chair move in the background of the song..Now I beleive it is complete. same link.


Wed August 20th/2008

Yep, I resung it again today with some more changes.

This one is probobley the best one out of all I have done..


Monday August 18th/2008

Updated the hardware software page, link below it is about artwork.

Monday August 18th/2008

I know this post has nothing to do with music but I am excited about this. several weeks ago I found an amazing product called an e-cigarette. The reason I am excited about this whole thing is because normal cigarettes are obviously bad for me. But, these e-cigarettes are completely free from bodly harm.

An e-cigarette called an “electronic cigarette” is a device which can deliever nicotine to the body by a kind of vapor, no real smoke required. My expirence from these e-eigarettes is that it is quite good. There not to expensive, and there lots of different kinds of them. Come in different flavors with differentnicotine strength levels. I also believe it is a good way to quit smoking also a good alternative because it dose not have chemicals that are harmfull to the body.

Here’s a link to an e-cigarette on ebay, I buy from this supplyer they sell pretty good products, check it out!


Sunday August 17th/2008

This is the best song in the universe!

BIG HAND Vs. small hand

Link: R.h.oZ

Sunday August 17th/2008

Well, I have resung The more it changes LPD cover again and reuploaded it I was not happy with the last one.

Sunday August 17th/2008

Small update: fixed some static sounding sounds in “The more it changes” V3 song and just reuploaded it a moment ago.

Sunday August 17th/2008

Somehow I got around to making this cover song. It is a version 3 song of “The more it changes” originally written by the Legendary Pink Dots.

The more it changes-version3

here is some links to other versions I have made.

This the first version from my music for sale sampler page, though it is lower quality, this one is also for
sale at my online store. The album that it
is on is called “Innvations and arrows” version 1 green album.
The more it changes-version 1.ogg

this one was made sometime near last christmas

The more it changes-version 2.ogg

Saterday August 16th/2008

This one is a second version of “Drifting” below, I had changed the vocal echo on it, I like this version


Friday August 15th/2008

Here’s a song my brother and I wrote today. came out great! I do really like this one, I found it has a drowning sound to it but yet it is rock.


Thursday August 14/2008

Found some olderblogs, link at the bottom of page.

Wed August 13/2008


The circus wheel gos around
and I go around and around
up and down
up and down

lift me up to the skys
ohh please lift me up to the skys

Monday August 11/2008


Sunday August 10th/2008

I have wrote some information about free and for sale music that are available on this site at the link below . It is about ogg licensing terms.

Are my ogg music legal?

Thursday August 6th 2008


Wed August 5th/2008

Today I wrote a little something about the hardware and software I use.

Link here
or below

Monday august 4th 2008

“The audio bits expirement” link has turned into “Other cool projects” with some more added info.

Saturday August 2nd 2008

Some more pictures where added today!

Saturday August 2nd 2008< A galary/photo album has been added! Where the links below are.

Friday August 1st 2008


July 29th/2008

Another V2 song



July 27th/2008

“The more it changes”, Legendary Pink dots cover verion 2 added to free downloads section.

Link here

July 27/2008


July 24th/2008

Well here it is, The Musical matrimony cd Today it has been released and is available for purchase at my online store. Sampler songs are available at my music for sale sampler page.

This cd is in ogg, for devices that can play oggs.

Track list: The ring..Step into the light V2..Instrumental matrimony..Matkalla voima..The merge..Step into the light V1..Harmonic bond..Psychic wedding..Be..Gypson Rhyme.. The lonesome song..Gypson Rhyme in Da Mix (R.h.oZ).. Musical matrimony


July 22nd/2008

The long lost “Audio bits experiment” info at bottom of page or here

July 21st/2008


A little drum and bass and Ajajajajaa.ogg

July 20th 2008


July 19th/2008

I have added a Creative commons licence link at the bottom of this page.

July 19th 2008

Some songs from previous blogs

(edited sept10/08)


July 18th 2008

What’s been happening? It has been a busy week for me! Having a website, constantly keeping it up to date and in relation to the subject matter (music) has not been easy. I lost a lot of my blogs so having an archive for them is desirable. This is the new layout of my main page, I am trying to keep simplicity in my mind. The Musical matrimony album is very close to completion, just one song needs to be finished then all burned on a cdr. I will have an update for that album/cdr when its at its finality.

Blogs prior to June 11/2008

The audio bits experiment: Marlon Cairenius Vs. R.H.oZ

June 04/2008


The next update to the Audio bits experiment was posted yesterday at rhoz.ca called Generation – I : With Echo by R.h.oZ.

(scroll down to see and hear more about Audio bits)

Generation – II” be the next update, will be my assignment, to be posted for June 9th/2008. Have a great listen,
and check back to hear how it grows!

June 04/2008

May 1st to the 30th/2008
Unique visters – 194
Number of visits – 415
Pages – 4649
Hits – 11056
bandwith – 446.93 mb

Generated by Awstats

Kbytes – 543684
Visits – 772
Pages – 2879
Files – 7513
Hits – 13698

Generated by Webalizer< Zen Cart New and improved for online purchases at marloncairenius.com. I have setup a much better online store to sell my albums. I used Zen cart. Zen Cart is available to anybody! Use it for free if you have a paypal business account. To visit my store cllck here for a Musical matrimony sneak peek.

May 22/2008

Here’s a little sneak peak for the album “Musical matrimony”, this cover is mighty fine I think, one of my favs. At the moment we know only that this album is going to come in some sort of package in a very limited number of copies.

(mmstart.jpg)(file-name) Click image for bigger picture.

J&M productions:

May 21/2008

New album in the works.

Musical matrimony.
Complete date: Not known.

The audio bits experiment: Marlon Cairenius Vs. R.H.oZ

Sat/May 17th/2008 – edit update on June 9th/2008


(Was actually a my mistake on my end)

this is not an official build, the first official source is actually Echo – by me.
Posted at r.h.oz.ca.



May 16th/2008

After carefull thought I have decided to revert back to the old way of selling albums, now the albums are for digital download at listed prices ‘click here’ for more.

Some changes

May 10/2008

A change has been made to the Marlon Cairenius access to the music for sale page. It is no longer a one time price for 3 dollars. it is now on a monthly subscription bases. If interested go to this link

Site Statistics

April 1st to the 30th

Unique visters 155
Number of visits 363
Pages 3590
Hits 10030
bandwith 801.89 mb

Generated by Awestats

April 1st to the 30th
kbytes 883822
visits 718
pages 3420
files 5082
hits 13330< Generated by Webalizer

Audio bits is in the works!

– Marlon Cairenius Vs. R.h.oZ

May 2/2007

The aim was March then decided it would be May for which we would start the Audio bits experiment, stay tuned as we prepare for battle! : )

Free single song

April 27th/2008


future light V2

April 24th/2008


Several single songs



Site updates

April 15/2008

There are site updates I am working on. Some links on the free music page wont work but is being sorted out.

Log entrys log entry

April 13th/2008

Today and now at this evening of mid april I feel alone I havent felt this feeling in years. Though I know the closest person to me is my neibour who I always nod to when I see him as if everything was ok and it is I worrie about my health I wonder if I am going to die soon I dont know why but I find that funny. probobely because its not true.

I stood up a couple of times and I felt the blood from my head go down my body its a light headedness thing, I wish I wasnt so crazy and keep my self at a good guard although I am not sure Id like that.

I like to feel good feelings, bad is not good for me though I dont think it is for anybody else for that matter.

life sure dose have meaning I can just easly reread what I read and I simply understand it more cause I know the more I study something in particular I find flaus in my own thinking something I might have missed or understood.

my brain the brain is a brain i dont have much to say now. i feel tired.


Watchen you

April 12/2008

Free single song/no artwork – (At least not yet)


-Written and recorded April 11/2008

Innovations & arrows 2: Formation release.

April 08/2008

Today mostly a brand new overhaul of my website and got around to finishing this album. There are high quality samples below the artwork or if you perfer use my MaR-adio Streamer look for (I&A2) in the song list.


1..Marlon_Cairenius-The_artasan-sam.ogg – The artisan

2..Marlon_Cairenius-Faithful_thoughts-sam.ogg – Faithfull thoughts

3..Marlon_Cairenius-The_rotting_cell-sam.ogg 0 The rotting cell

4..Marlon_Cairenius-Regenerator-sam.ogg – Regenerator

5..Marlon_Cairenius-Sound-sam.ogg – Sound

6..Marlon_Cairenius-Painfull_Normalities-sam.ogg – Painfull normalities

7..Marlon_Cairenius-Formality-sam.ogg – Formality

8..Marlon_Cairenius-Perfection_in_infection-sam.ogg – Perfection in infection

9 . Marlon_Cairenius-My_fathers_quizical-sam.ogg – My fathers quizical

10. Marlon_Cairenius-Apples_for_all_of_us-sam.ogg – Apples for all of us


April 7th/2008

Site currently undergoing reconstruction!

The New and the Old – Echo

April 6th/2008

After about 2 months of exchanging emails, recording and remixing R.h.oZ and I have completed an album.

The link is here.

Site statistics

April 2nd, 2008

March 1st to 31st 2008.

Unique visitors 171
Number of visits 397
Pages 2749
Hits 6170
Bandwith 527.08 MB

Generated by Awstats

March 1st to 31th 2008

Total hits 8028
Total visits 775
Total unique sites 430
Total unique urls 393
Total Unique Referrers 76
Total Unique User Agents 79
Total KBytes 638291

Generated by Webalizer

A nice sounding song

March 31st, 2008

Here is a song my brother and I made we worked on for about 4 or 5 hours in two days to complete. There are no lyrics in it, we still might put lyrics into it, just what we don’t know yet. It’s got a bass line and a sort of jumpy guitar sound I made, my bro made a multitude of different solo guitar parts he also came up with the drum beat.



March 27th, 2008

Free single!
ogg below artwork



Big hand vs. Small Hand

March 4th, 2008

Theres a really good recreation of “Big
hand vs. Small hand
“, originally writen by R.h.oZ and I back in 1995. I remember then it was such an amazing and fun song It was almost impossible not to laugh when we sung it.

Heres a dance song

February 11th, 2008

Here’s a dance song my brother wrote the lyrics. I sung it a several days ago, it has an electronic dance feel to it with a solo guitar, reminds me of the dance music tha wa played in the earlyninety’s played on radio stations around the Toronto area.


Innovations & arrows 2 : Formation

February 6th, 2008

Small update today. The main cover is complete with new subtitle : “Formation”



February 5th, 2008

A notice has been added to my main page : Projects, releases and collaborations.

-Innovations & Arrows (#-2) began Sun Feburary 3: Release date unknown.

Subtitle: Has not been thought up yet.

-Track list is as follows:

1..The artisan

2..Faithfull thoughts

3..The rotting cell


5..Sound (Edit – April 8/2008)

6..Painfull normalities


8..Perfection in infection

9 . My fathers quizical

10. Apples for all of us

Heres a link
to the first album.

February 1st, 2008

A new Streaming Radio feature I is up, the player will play my songs from my “Music for sale” page. Click here for

Works in motion.

January 21st, 2008

Album titled “Echo A.K.A Mode 13″ one out several and continuing compositional albums of a series constructed by R.h.oZ is in the works. The expected date for us to complete this album is March 2008. You can read, and hear more from the Mode series at these links:

For the love of
Static (Mode -12)
, Static
(Mod e-1)
and Messiah (Mode -11) (you’ll have to scroll down a bit to find the first two of them).

This just in!

January 19th, 2008

–A Music Experiment–

Audio bits : Marlon Cairenius Vs. R.h.oZ
Begin Date : March

Is an experiment in which by sharing and building apone musical tracks that are recorded for the outcome of multiple exchanges of the music. We will be posting the first track in March. When we exchange tracks it would be posted on our sites, I hope you visit and listen. We dont have a date as to when the last track will be finnished but

this is an experiment to see just that!

Links : R.h.oZ


January 1st, 2008

Haaappy newww year!!

This is the end of the line…

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