Weblogs for 2009

Unfortunately all the links to Album art, Music and some links to Webpages had to be removed because they can no longer be found. These Weblogs only exist today because they were archived and can be found at the Wayback Machine.

This page was updated on June 20th 2019.

Saturday Dec 26 2009

Here’s a little song for sale called: “I roll with it” full length sample below.


Wed Dec 23 2009

Here is a free 3 song release.


“Imagination on”, was recorded yesterday “The women with the sticks” was recorded several days ago, While “homosapian” was recorded sometime last month I think.

As it is Dec 23 and christmas is just around the corner I’d like to wish everyone a great Christmas!

– Marlon

Saturday Dec 19th 2009

Today I decided to post this video my brother Johan and I did sometime in Dec of 2008. I thought that maybe having it on “You Tube” would be easyer to view the video rather than having it as a just an avi file. It is just easyer to play on a internet browser.

Another note, Sometime in January of 2010 Johan and I are going to play a “live at home” version of “The Ocean song”. Probabley as close as we are going to get playing live. We have already practiced it a little bit, seems to be going well!

Title:Marlon & Johan play “Harmonic Bond”.
from the album: Musical matrimony.

Monday 14th 09

Over at Spunjet records website you will find a free song I wrote yesterday. Has a Jazz sounding sound it is called “Hip hop alooie”. With a touch of Jabba the Hut.

Also a J&M Productions single release called Lost and found. High quality version can by purchased below. Happy listening!


Tuesday Dec 1st.2009

Eye ball single.



Buy the high quality version below

Monday November 30th.2009

A Free album release today! This one is called ‘Piano & Bass’. This album is focused on piano and bass pieces hence the title. I wanted to make something more soft sounding, it came out pretty good. Something I can listen to while I have the lights turned off at my apartment, good sound.

3 tracks. I played all the drum and bass tracks plus two other tracks I played the piano. Smooth 3 Piano track is played by my brother Johan.


You can also find the songs for this album at Spunjet.com a place to listen to audio and remix other peoples music. Sure if you like the pieces go ahead and remix it, you can.



Monday November 23.2009

Check out Spunjet Records!
Very cool!


Friday Nov 20th/2009

Album: Untitled
Musician: Marlon Cairenius

Info: 1 song I came up with on Wednesday November 18.2009


1 Dollar Canadian.
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!

Greetings to people who visit my site : )

Today on this cool Canadian afternoon at around 4:12 pm. I have decided to post this off topic subject of “Do it your self pro-jectors” as in “DIY”. Over the past several months I have been working on this particular projector, it’s been really fun and rewarding experience.

Check it out!


Monday November 16th.2009

Album: 2 songs
Musicain: Marlon Cairenius

Info: 2 songs songs I came up with over the weekend.


Purchase high quality versions below.

Saturday November 7th/2009

Album: Poo man power
Muscian: Marlon Cairenius


MarlonCaireniusPoomanpower.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_Poo_man_power.ogg
(Samples of this song where used from R.h.oZ‘s
Episode 37 from his Extractor project.)

MarlonCaireniusThenicelightbreeze.ogg – Marlon Cairenius_The_nice_lite_breeze.ogg

Buy the high quality versions here

Friday November 6th/2009

I know it’s a little late for Halloween, but maybe I am still in the Halloween spirit.

Marlon_Cairenius-The_garden_of_evil.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-The_garden_of_evil.ogg

Thursday November 5th/2009

I recorded a song yesterday, it is a free song!

It is called: Marlon_Cairenius-The_handler.ogg – The_handler.ogg

Date: Thursday Oct 29/2009

New J&M album (Digital download)
Album: Songs of Lazy
Musicians: Johan Cairenius/Marlon Cairenius


These are low quality versions below 24 kbps

J&M-Feel_free.ogg – J&M-Feel_free.ogg

Bass, drums – Marlon Cairenius
Keys, guitar – Johan Cairenius

J&M-Ip_oh.ogg – J&M-Ip_oh.ogg

Bass, drums and keys – Marlon Cairenius
Guitar – Johan Cairenius
Vocals – Marlon and Johan

Marlon_Cairenius-She_sells_sea_shells_by_the_sea_shore.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-She_sells_sea_shells_by_the_sea_shore.ogg

All – Marlon Cairenius

Marlon_Cairenius-Smooth_smile.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Smooth_smile.ogg

All – Marlon Cairenius

4 for 4 dollars Canadian (Download link after purchase through Paypal)

Friday Oct 23.2009

By: Marlon Cairenius
Album: Ninja man


Marlon_Cairenius-Ninja_man.ogg – Ninja man.ogg

Buy the high quality version below

Wedensday Oct.21.2009

Todays free song is called

Marlon_Cairenius-ooahh.ogg – Ooah.ogg

By:Marlon Cairenius

Monday Oct 19th.2009

Single song for sale. This one is called Tender soul, recorded Oct 18th.2009.

1 Dollar CAD.

Musician: Marlon Cairenius

Marlon_Cairenius-Tender_soul.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Tender_soul.ogg

Buy the high quality version here.

PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!

Wednesday Oct 14th.2009

Two free songs I had come up with over this past week sometime.

Marlon_Cairenius-Another_chord.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Another_chord.ogg
Marlon_Cairenius-A_story.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-A_story.ogg

Saturday Oct 3,2009

2 oggs for sale (2 for 2 dollars CAD). Download purchase release, low quality samples below.

Album name: Untitled
Artist: Marlon Cairenius

Marlon_Cairenius-Brain_buzz.ogg – Brain buzz.ogg
Marlon_Cairenius-space_revervberators.ogg – Space Reverberators.ogg

Saturday Sept 26th.2009

Last night came up with a song..


Thursday Sept 24th.2009

Purchaseable dowloadable album release.
Album name: Album one
Artist: Marlon Cairenius

Marlon_Cairenius-_Very_Scary_Today.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-_Very_Scary_Today.ogg
Marlon_Cairenius-Movement_2.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Movement_2.ogg

Buy the high quality versions at this link: Downloadable music for sale

Friday Sept 18th.2009

Free album: Black hole

Here is a 2 song free album, no album art I lost it. Still got the two songs my brother and I made. “Time for everything” has a new punk rock kind sound while “Improviser” is like a large boat with a fog horn, you’ll know why when your hear it.

J&M_TIme_for_everything.ogg – J&M_TIme_for_everything.ogg

Marlon: Bass, drums
Johan: guitar, vocals

J&M-improviser.ogg – J&M-improviser.ogg

Marlon: keys, drums
Johan: guitar

Thursday Sept 10th.2009

Here is a free fine song called J&M_Lazy_saterday_song.ogg – Lazy saturday song.ogg

Marlon: drums, keys, guitar.
Johan: keys, bass.

Wednesday Sept 2nd.2009

Hello hear is a small downloadable album for sale, you can hear low quality versions below


Marlon_Cairenius-a_year_or_a_few.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-a_year_or_a_few.ogg
Marlon_Cairenius-Really_I_dont_smoke_it.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Really_I_dont_smoke_it.ogg

If purchase, you get high quality versions 2 oggs for two dollars canadian, digital download you will be directed to the page after purchase.

Wednesday August 26th

Good Wednesday everyone! Here is a recording straight from R.h.oZ’s “Magic time traveling bag”. I haven’t heard this recording in over ten years today. The first song “time is incinorating” the second in line is called, “You will find that you are wrong”, (A very long recording, you’ll notice I tryed that recording over and over until I got it just right. (Edit: removed explicted lyrics)

Also here is a link to R.h.oZ’s “Extractor” project, I know a lot of those recordings are from that bag also, have a listen! Link here

18 megabyte download.
Marlon_Cairenius_1995_Recording_4.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_1995_Recording_4.ogg

Monday August 24th.2009


Monday August 17th.2009

J&M_Jip_jop2.ogg – J&M_Jip_jop.ogg

Marlon: percussion guitar bass and vocals
Johan: Guitar

Friday August 14th.2009

Got into some music making today and we came up with this.

J&M_Sqeazed_the_life_out_of_me.ogg – J&M_Squeazed_the_life_out_of_me.ogg

Johan on bass and keyboard
Marlon on guitar drum beat and vocals

Monday August 10th.2009

Green elf album


New song today called: Green elf needs food badly
Price: One dollar Canada for Download
Listen here for full length sample. Quality is better if you buy it.

Marlon_Cairenius-Green_elf_needs_food_badly.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Green_elf_needs_food_badly.ogg


Marlon Cairenius

Friday August 7th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius_Wierd.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Wierd.ogg
Marlon_Cairenius-Mountain_man.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Mountain_man.ogg

Wed August 5th.2009

Here is a song my brother Johan and I wrote today it is called Crazy Kalifornya.

Marlon Cairenius – Drum beat keyboards and bass
Johan Cairenius – Lead guitar and solo guitar

J&M_Crazy_Kalifornya.ogg – J&M_Crazy_Kalifornya.ogg

Monday August 3.2009

Some updates! A small downloadable song release is for sale at my downloadable music for sale page, It is called “Natures
” Released August 2nd at 2 ogg’s for the price of 1.
Also a song I worked on lastnight called “Marlon_Cairenius-Unamed2.ogg” – unamed.ogg

free for download.

Sunday August 2.2009

Here are two more recordings found in R.h.oZ’s “Magic time traveling bag”. The first recording was made in 1994-95, using the “Realistic” toy keyboard with “Modedit”. The second recording was in 95 made with a guy named Dan I knew in high school who owned an Amiga 5000, made a couple tunes with that guy the rest of the recording was the keyboard and “Modedit” i don”t remember recording but it is me singing in it.

Thanks to R.h.oZ these recordings are still around.. Wicked..!


Marlon_Cairenius_1994-95_Recording_2.ogg – MarlonCairenius1994-95_Recording_2.ogg

Marlon_Cairenius_1995_Recording_3.ogg – MarlonCairenius_1995_Recording_3.ogg

Friday July 31.2009

Marlon_Cairenus-totality.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Totality.wav

Friday July 31.2009

Hi everyone. I had put a blog entry in yesterday about some music I wrote that I made in 1994. It had some lyrics in it that I was not proud of so I changed the media file and took out the bad parts and I feel its a much better recording now. Sorry to those who had read it and listened to my bull shit. On a musical note, this recording is from R.h.oZ’s magic time traveling bag, a bag of music that has kept and that has lasted over a decade. This recording was made using a Realistic keyboard bought from Kmart. I had recorded this onto a old stereo where I modified the mic input so I could record directly to tape. (Update Saterday August 1st) Some of the music was also made with modedit using a 386 IBM computer.

Marlon_Cairenius_1994_Recording.redoo.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius 1994_Recording.redoo.ogg

Also if you are interested in hearing some more old stuff recorded with old audio equipment like stereos go R.h.oZ.ca and follow this link here and listen to his Extractor project.

July 27.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Rip_9.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Rip_9.ogg

July 23.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-I_am_content_No_I_am_happy.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-I_am_content_No_I_am_happy.ogg

July 21.2009

Well small update today, for those of you who might have noticed I have been playing Jo-Jo with my website I can’t seem to make up my mind having in online or not. Well..see how it go’s .

And for your enjoyment here is a song called Nutmeg.

Marlon_Cairenius-Nutmeg.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Nutmeg.ogg

Also there will no longer be a general news RSS feed. Yes I decided against it, I don’t know call me lazy..

July 14th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-That_mole.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-That_mole.ogg

July 11th .2009

A free single! Called “Apples bananas and oranges.


Marlon_Cairenius-Im_a_happy_pineapple.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Im_a_happy_pineapple.ogg

Tuesday July 07.2009

If you want to laugh so hard that your stomach just aches I suggest you listen to R.h.oZ’s “I am Sam“.

Monday July 6th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-wizerdryy.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-wizardryy.ogg

Monday June 29th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-slow_leak_beat.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-slow_leak_beat.ogg

June 27th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Unfinnished_business.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-unfinnished_business.ogg

June 26th.2009

J&M_The_Blap_song.ogg – J&M_The_blap_song.ogg

June 25th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Moon_slowly.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Moon_slow.ogg

June 21st.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-The_thinking_song.ogg – The thinking song.ogg

June 19th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Trip_to_the_deep_impression_2.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Trip_to_the_deep_impression_2.ogg

June 16th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-table_light.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-table_light.ogg

Tuesday June 2/2009

Marlon_Cairenius-insane_and_blind.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-insane_and_blind.ogg

Mon. June 1st.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-the_directionamp.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-the_directionamp.ogg

Wed May 27/2009

Marlon_Cairenius-I_got_the_blues_blah_blah.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-I_got_the_blues_blah_blah.ogg

Wed May 27/2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Huhhhhh22.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Huhhhhh22.ogg

Friday May 22/2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Something_or_rother.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Something_or_rother.ogg

Wed May 19th/2009

Marlon_Cairenius-hoooooooooooooolly.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_Hoooooooooooooooooooooly.ogg

Tuesday May 19th.2009

Aww this is wicked!



10 minute Soundscape fusion-The experiment- Evolver Mix.ogg

Songs from the Soundscape Fusion – The experiment. Album. By R.h.oZ and Marlon Cairenius

Approx- 10 megabytes


Friday 14/2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Kassii_Lapii.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Kassii_Lapii.ogg

Thursday May 13th.09


Marlon_Cairenius-Helloooo.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Helloooo.ogg

Marlon_Cairenius-lets_see.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-lets_see.ogg

May 9th 2009


Marlon_Cairenius-public_property.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_Public Property.ogg

May 7th 2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Connectore.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Connectore.ogg

May 4th 2009

Marlon_Cairenius_Alert%21.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_Alert!.ogg

April 30th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Mukassa_is_waking.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Mukassa_is waking.ogg

April 20th.2009

Here’s a new free single I made this Monday morning.


Marlon_Cairenius-Mighty_river_from_sudan.ogg – MarlonCairenius-Mighty river from sudan.ogg

April 10th.2009

J&M-Baby_blues.ogg – J&M-Baby_blues.ogg

April 9th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Red_rose_thorn.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_Red rose thorn

April 5th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Blue_balls.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_Blue balls.ogg

April 4th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Blues_on_a_gray_day.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Blues_on a gray day.ogg

April 3rd.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Race_singer.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_Race_singer.ogg

March 25.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-twentytwo_storys_to_the_matrix.ogg – MarlonCairenius_22 storys to the matrix.ogg

March 15th/2009


Marlon_Cairenius-survive_version2.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Survive_Version2.ogg

March 11/2009

Jump Songs


1: Marlon_Cairenius-resides_on_earth.ogg – Resides on earth.ogg

2: Marlon_Cairenius-The_place_to_be.ogg – Place to be.ogg

3: Marlon_Cairenius-The_Judge.ogg – The judge.ogg

4: Marlon_Caineius-The_No_Frills_way.ogg – The no frills way.ogg

5: Marlon_Cairenius-Akku_experience.ogg – Akku experience.ogg

March 6th/2009

I will soon be reuploading all my music in a new audio format on this site in a few days. The reason for this is because I am not quite sure of using the mp3 format. This all lead me to this point of changing my media format when I visited the mp3 licence website. Reading the terms of the particular licence which applys to me got me thinking.I thought to myself, I have tried to comply with their terms and every time no matter what I do I seem to break a technical barrier.I have always used the mp3 format fairly but something just dose not seem fair to me. I have a lot of my content in mp3 format I have even streamed an mp3. There just seems to be no common knowledge about this.When reading the mp3 terms which applyed to me which was the (distribution of electronic music). Commercial? or Not Commercial? My free mp3 downloads are non commercial but the ones I sell are commercial and I try to comply with the mp3 licencing terms. But something just dose not seem right.

So, after carefull thought I am going to start using the “ogg” format. The Ogg format seems to suit me well, no large restrictions from what I have read about it and it is a pretty good quality audio format!

Reading some of the thingS the Ogg developers had to say about it all sounded very nice and fair, it seems to me these days in the internet world a lot of confusion is or has been taken advantage of even in the goodness of our own hearts weather big company or small company we all try to do the right thing, or is it just confusion alltogether, I don’t know. But right now.. I know I want to protect myself from an unfair balance. If I can control the outcome of my own destiny I sure would try to..

Some thoughts on the use of “ogg” audio format. The “ogg” Audio format is both playable in both Windows and Linux. But you need particular software to play it. Vlc Media player, which is available for both types of Operating systems can play “ogg” files. You can freely download “Video lan” from this Url:


Feb 26th 2009


56 bits mono quality ogg below

Marlon_Cairenius-We_are_onlysam.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-We_are_only.ogg

A high quality version can be bought here

Feb 24th 2009


Marlon_Cairenius-personal_1.ogg – Personal 1
Marlon_Cairenius-Personal_2.ogg – Personal 2

Wed feb 18th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius_LPD-Song_The_More_It_Changes18.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius_LPD-Song_The_More_It_Changes18

(This version I just made today I brought the tempo back down one increment, also resung it.)

Sat Feb 14.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-The_geraff_the_bird_the_ground_hog_and_the_tree.ogg – The bird the geraff the ground hog and the tree

Monday Feb 9th.2009:

Ok, I think I am done working on this song.lol


Sunday Feb 8th.2009


Thursday Feb5th.2009

Oh goodie! Lucky number thirteen. This 13th version has been sped up a bit brought some octaves down on certain instruments. And.. I also resung, of course I’ll have to do that if I change the tempo!

Edit:reuploaded with some changes (Feb 6th.2009)


Wed Feb 4th.2009

With some available time on my hands, today I began to play around with The Legendary Pink Dots song “The more it changes”. This is probabley my 9th time doing a master mix down on this song. So which means I have made 9 of them, this being the 9th of course.

This new version or update on the song is really nice sounding I think better than the one before, I think it just keeps getting better and better! Added a bit of flanger on my voice I had also made the bass more power like, But unfortunatley I could not get the end violin part right, close but not close enough! Since this songs source was made from a live version recording first and The Legendary Pink Dots I think is studio version, its a bit of both sources in there. Do I like the live version or the studio version? I like them both as much, maybe having them mixed together is a good thing but I certainly do not want to work on it so much that I end up ruining it..lol. Maybe I will give it another go when I decide I want to work on it more.

So here it is version 9. I have disabled all the other previous links to the song before this one.

EDIT: (I went work on it again after I wrote this log entry and thought I would tweak it a bit, little did I know changing the violin to strings ensamble made it sound quite amazing! I am very happy with my tenth recording of this song.



Edit: Number 12 Came out pretty good, I asked my brother to try and figure out the end violin part. I think he aced it.


Thursday Jan29.2009

Well.. Heres another version of Glide. This one I added some more bass and drums. So far this one is my favorite.

Marlon_Cairenius-Glide_3.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Glide_3

Tuesday Jan.27.2009

Hello people that visit my site!

Last night I had an incredible experience making or shall I say remaking this song. Came out so nice I like must have listened to it a thousand times, noo. Just kidding. Maybe an hour or more of listening to it. I did listen to it more today and still liked it, I added some finished touches and now I espeacially like it more.

This is a remake. Is it better than the first version? My brother Johan says yes. (Song below fan..)


Marlon_Cairenius-Glide2redoo.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Glide2redoo

If you would like to donate a dollar to Marlons musical endeavors please do feel free! :’)

Thursday Jan 22.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-Touch_the_fire.ogg – Touch the fire.ogg

Saturday Jan 17.2009

The musical endeavors of Marlon Cairenius 2003 – 2008
ogg Lightscribed Cdr

Here is “The musical endeavors of Marlon Cairenius 2003 – 2008 ogg CDR” (lightscribed).

518 Megabytesof music from my “Free to download page”All though anyone can download the music for free this release is pretty much an easy wayto get a hold of all my free music from 2003to 2008. (This release dose not include music from the other cool projects page).


Jan 16th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius-I_will_make_you_dance.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius I will make you dance

Edit: reuploaded, tweaked it a bit.

Jan 14th.2009

Marlon_Cairenius_the_way_of_the_shum.ogg – MarlonCairenius_The way of the shum< Sunday Jan.11.09

The other cool projects page has been updated.

Friday Jan 9th.2009

R.h.oZ speaks about 2009 Rpm Challenge!

The 2009 RPM Challenge

Originally posted on January 9, 2009 by R.h.oZ at rhoz.ca

I signed up for the RPM Challenge once again and I am looking foward to recording a new album. What will this album sound like? I have no idea and I find this liberating! Will I be happy with or even like the resulting album? I can only hope! Will it be fun? Absolutely!!!

For those of you who may not be familiar with the RPM Challenge, it’s a contest without the prize. The goal is to record an album which consists of 10 songs or 35 minutes of original material in 28 days.

Why you might ask? Just because you can!!!

Now with that siad…This year unlike last year will be a little different for me because I will be facing this Challenge as a Band. We call ourselves Electroniek Symphoniek and we are an experimental net base band from Canada.

Founded via e-mail on September 27, 2007 at 5:12:37 AM. We began and continue to annoy and devour the strange sounds found in elevators. Our influences include music written and recorded by other people, the sound my vacuum cleaner makes and each others nostrils.

The current lineup for Electroniek Symphoniek is LoRa oZ, Marlon Cairenius and myself.

Now that The countdown has begun; I would like to wish everyone who has excepted the Challenge the best of luck and I hope to hear you in March.

Sunday Jan 4th.2009

The “Other cool projects” page has been updated. and my permission beyond the scope of my creative commons licence has been updated.

Sunday Jan 4th/2009

The “Other cool projects” page has been updated. and my permission beyond the scope of my creative commons licence has been updated.

Thursday Jan1st.2009

Well this is my first blog entry of 2009 and I wish everyone a wonderfull new year.

For todays blog entry. a small update, the free music page has been updated and has been organized better.

You can visit it here : Free to download Music

You may need to refresh the page.

Monday Dec.29th.2008

free mini single


Marlon_Cairenius-Danzel_Instrumental.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Danzel_Instrumental
Marlon_Cairenius-Down_to_a_mustard_seed.ogg – Marlon_Cairenius-Down_to_a_mustard_seed< Marlon&Johan_Cairenius_Newday_Instrumental.ogg - Marlon&Johan_Cairenius_Newday_Instrumental

This is the end of the line…

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